Click here for a document containing reviews of The Franchomme Project album and concerts.
Concert Programs proposed by Louise Dubin
Click here for a very short (one paragraph) bio.
Click here for an academically oriented bio.
Cliquez ici pour une bio en français.
Cliquez ici pour un CV en français.
Click here for the Franchomme Project's Naxos catalog announcement.
Click here for an information sheet about Selected Works for Cello and Piano by Auguste Franchomme, with Introduction by Louise Dubin. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 2017.
Click here for the table of contents for Louise's Dover Franchomme publication.
The Franchomme Project CD includes extensive liner notes written by Louise Dubin, based on her research in France and including previously unpublished information and photos. Also included is a French translation by a direct descendant of Franchomme.
The Franchomme Project - CD Cover
The Franchomme Project - CD Back Cover
From one of three concerts I performed at the Festival de Violoncelle de Beauvais (May 20, 2017 copyright, Festival de V de B).
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