Features Louise's 12/26 interview of Carter Brey, as well as his unreleased concert recording of Suite #5 on baroque cello, plus recordings of the other Bach Suites by Emmanuelle Bertrand, Anner Bylsma, Ralph Kirshbaum, Pablo Casals, StevenIsserlis and Pieter Wispelwey! http://WKCR.org https://bit.ly/BachFestKCR This is a pre-recorded show.
You can replay the show here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae7clnc1rr1od8c/WKCR%20Bach%20Suites%20LDubin%2012.30.2020%20-%2012%3A29%3A20%2C%204.02%20PM.m4a?dl=0